
Monday, April 15, 2013

Sacred Vessel

Each day as I greet you Lord, my heart leaps with joy at the thought that you loved me so much that you made the ultimate sacrifice so that I might live.  This is why I choose to live apart from the world, in the world, but not of the world.

A sacred vessel is what I desire to be, a pure and holy instrument of your hands. For you are the potter and I am the clay, make me into your image I earnestly pray. Just as you turned the water into wine, so convert my soul into obedience to your word.

Guide me with your Holy Spirit, so that as I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I may never fall into error, and uplift my frail heart with your strength and courage. Let praise for you, always flow from my lips that I may glorify your works and magnify your great mercy upon humanity. Dear Lord, grant me peace each day that in the stillness of my spirit I may always hear and obey your voice.

Make me a sacred vessel, worthy of your great love for me. Sanctify me and hold my hand as a Father holds the hand of his child, and never let it go. Make me a sacred vessel, Heavenly Father, so that I may please you forevermore.

Copyright 2013 Frank S. All Rights Reserved

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